Monday, July 16, 2007

Hey friends,

so I don't have anything in particular to write about, but I decided to update my blog anyways, because I want to do this more, and I've got 5 minutes, so why not? I just finished reading about 8 pages of Calvin and Hobbes. It's a wonderful way to unwind after a long day at work :). Calvin's imagination is inspiring in it's own hilarious way. The way he sees endless opportunity in the mundane is really cool. On a kind of related note, my roommate and I went to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix yesterday afternoon. It was inspiring in a different way. Our capacity for good and evil, and the choice we have in the matter, as well as our need for love and the power it has over even the most horrible happenings are just a few themes I walked away pondering as the credits rolled. It wore it's film-status well, as a book-to-film project, and did things with the story that couldn't have been done in a book. So for what it lacked in breadth of plot, it soared in depth of meaning and cinematography. So yeah, I liked it. And book 7 is coming on Saturday. Sah-weet!

Speaking of stories, for how much I enjoyed Harry Potter A.T.O.O.T.P., I really enjoyed church yesterday. The gospel of Mark is so packed with meaning and beauty, that it almost feels unapproachable to me sometimes. Jesus is doing things that don't fit even his own family's expectations of him, and he really knows what he is doing, or he would have given up for all the death threats and pressure he got from the religious leaders and his family to stop saying the things he was saying and healing on the sabbath. I have alot of unformed thoughts about this. It's almost dinner time.

This week is Library Camp at the central library in LA. Today was really fun. We all received a free copy of Lemony Snicket's 10th novel, "A Slippery Slope". Three of our kids came, and we're expecting more tomorrow. It's going to be really hard to say goodbye to the kids next month. They are amazing.

That's it for now. Moral of the story: read more Calvin and Hobbes, Harry Potter, and the Gospel of Mark. :)


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